Almost to Anchorage

Tue, Jun 6, 2017

We turned south off of the Alaska Highway this morning for Glennallen, a town about halfway to Anchorage.  Can’t wait to get there.

It was a gorgeous drive but it came with a price.  Here’s a quote from Milepost “the highway becomes a patchwork of good highway going bad (frost heaves, damaged pavement) and improved sections of highway.”  Not as bad as Sun as we were able to ave 43 mph but still slow going.  We are just too heavily loaded to risk damage to the Cayenne or Airstream.

Others, especially pick-ups, ignore the conditions and blast on through.  And some aren’t so lucky.  Out neighbor stopped at an auto repair shop to remove a nail from a flat tire.  And on the tow truck next to them?  A pick-up with a broken axle and a displaced wheel. That person is going to be there for a wile.

Back to the beauty.  The latter part of our drive was along the Copper River.  You know it if you’ve ever bought Copper River Salmon in May.  Brilliant marketing as it’s sold as something special.  But the reality is that it’s an early run and it’s large.  Good for them.

Here’s one shot from the side of the road.  See that speck flying in the middle of the river on the left side?  That’s our first eagle sighting 🙂

That’s Mount Sanford (16,237 ft) on the left and Mount Drum (12,010 ft) on the right.  Both are in the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve.


Here they are from near our RV park:


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